Delve into the wit and intrigue of Restoration comedy with "The Way of the World" by William Congreve.
- Title: The Way of the World
- Author: William Congreve
- Genre: Restoration comedy
- First performed: 1700
- Themes: Love, deception, societal manners
- Style: Sharp dialogue, intricate plotlines
- Significance: Captures essence of Restoration period
- Dimensions: 7.5"w x 10"d x .75"thick
Delve into the wit and intrigue of Restoration comedy with "The Way of the World" by William Congreve.
- Title: The Way of the World
- Author: William Congreve
- Genre: Restoration comedy
- First performed: 1700
- Themes: Love, deception, societal manners
- Style: Sharp dialogue, intricate plotlines
- Significance: Captures essence of Restoration period
- Dimensions: 7.5"w x 10"d x .75"thick